Hi everyone,
Seems like the weekend of the 27th is the best bet..sorta....Dana and I were chatting the other day regarding all this planning and we have one more option....maybe we could opt to do Christmas at Bob Jr's.
Ernie has a wedding on Saturday so we could plan for our Christmas feast/celebration either on Friday evening (pending people can get Friday off) or maybe Saturday evening (depending upon where and when Ernie's wedding is), or Sunday evening?
Jim and Dana have offered to have the festivities at their new house. We wouldn't need to get any hotel rooms, but we would all need to stay at various locations.
Possible accommodations:
Bob Jr's:
1. Chris and Dave
2. Grandpa
3. Ger and Beth
Becky and Jason's:
1. Ernie, Luanne, Danny, and Tommy
Jim & Dana's:
1. Elaine, Steve, and Charlie
2. Lindsay & Sean
3. Alica, Todd, and Justin
4. Greg and Sara
We would also have Jim & Dana's trailer as well...
From Alicia: on our note, I think that Saturday or Sunday afternoon/Evening would work best for us. I am not sure if Todd will have the 26th off for us to travel, as they close the body shop for the whole next week - so we will have more flexible time on Monday vs. Friday. Not sure about Lins and Sean as they are the next big travelers.....Anybody have thoughts on this?